Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Being a Better Person

This clip is a reminder to me of how God affects us in terms of Jesus' connection to us. When we come to know what it is that God has rescued us from and what He has done for us through Jesus Christ and what we now have in terms of a life of relationship with Him - it simply makes want to be a better person.

This clip from the film As Good as it Gets says it all. Because of the wonderful woman that has come into his life, he has actually decided to take pills that allow him to control his OCD so that he can be in relationship with her rather than drive her away with his obssessiveness.

The parallel I see is that we lean on the Spirit that Christ has given to make us into the new humanity that Jesus has achieved for us and transformed us into. When we experience this "new humanity" we don't want to put up with what we were because of having tasted what we are in Him.

I see this particularly evident in chapters 5-8 in Romans as Paul explains "how much more" we now have in terms of what Christ has given us - no longer being slaves to sin but enjoying the relationship with God obtained for us through Christ drawing us into the circle of fellowship with the Father and the Spirit.

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